Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc

Address: 9825 Spectrum Dr. Bldg 4, Suite 475
Austin, TX. 78717

Phone: 512-225-1796

Company Profile

Quality control and quality assurance during the production of metalworking fluids and lubricants are essential. It is also vital to monitor in-service fluids to extend the lifetime of equipment and minimize the risk of breakdowns. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) is a fast, simple method to solve these analytical needs.

Applied Rigaku Technologies engineers, manufactures, and distributes Rigaku EDXRF products worldwide. Our benchtop spectrometers are excellent tools for the elemental analysis of lubricating oils. They are compact and easy to use, ideal for non-technical operators, yet powerful enough for expert use in commercial labs and R&D facilities. All Rigaku EDXRF systems are multi-element analyzers, offering exceptional versatility by giving users a quick, reliable way of monitoring and controlling the elemental composition of fluids to ensure optimum performance. And with Rigaku’s powerful and intuitive Matching Library software, you can easily match your instrument to your specific formulations.

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