ASCEND™ Webinar No. 2: How to Streamline Your Lubricant Selection Process

Noria Media

Noria's ASCEND™ Chart emerges as a beacon of guidance, offering a modern and structured approach to lubrication management. Serving as a comprehensive framework, the ASCEND Chart facilitates the evaluation of lubrication programs against globally recognized standards. At its core lies the crucial process of lubricant selection, which is also the main focus of the second part of Noria’s ASCEND™ webinar program.

In this session, Wes and Bennett run through all the basics and potential hurdles in the lubricant selection process, Lifecycle Stage #1 in the ASCEND wheel. Topics include the importance of informed and educated supplier selection, a proper lubricant identification system, customization and optimization, lubricant selection training for techs and managers, and lubricant selection KPIs. We take you through some of the highlights below.

S1P – Lubricant Selection Process

Selecting the appropriate lubricant lays the groundwork for machine reliability. A meticulous lubricant selection process entails a comprehensive consideration of various factors. These include machinery requirements, operational context, available technologies, environmental impact, energy consumption, and technological advances.

It's imperative to weigh OEM recommendations against these parameters and prioritize decisions based on life cycle cost rather than just initial lubricant cost. Companies handling lubricant procurement must underscore the importance of a robust selection process, combining it with the formulation of generic standards to ensure the right lubricant is supplied to equipment.

S2P – Lubricant Supplier Selection

The selection of an optimal lubricant supplier is paramount to ensure the delivery of the desired quality and performance lubricants. This selection process should commence with a thorough evaluation of the supplier's capabilities in lubricant production, logistics, supply, storage, and technical support. Employing a structured methodology to assess supplier compliance with performance requirements, lubricant quality, troubleshooting support, technological innovation, delivery capacity, and pricing is crucial.

Additionally, the chosen lubricants should align with machine-specific performance requirements, quality standards, emergency management protocols, technical support needs, and industry-specific demands. Documenting the selection process facilitates future decisions and supplier evaluations.

S3P – Lubricant Identification System

The Lubricant Identification System (LIS) serves as a vital tool in mitigating erroneous lubricant application. This system employs visual aids, such as labeled containers, application tools, and machinery, to ensure the correct lubricant is applied. Unique labels assigned to each lubricant and corresponding machine, employing codes, shapes, and colors, significantly reduce the likelihood of mix-ups during storage and application.

Whether developed internally or utilizing standardized systems like Noria’s, LIS encompasses critical information such as lubricant type, base oil specifications, and performance standards. Its implementation aligns with Lean or TPM philosophies, aiming to minimize errors and enhance operational efficiency.

S4M – Consolidation and Optimization

Given the evolving nature of lubricants and lubrication requirements, periodic optimization and consolidation are imperative. Lubricant consolidation involves streamlining the types and quantities of lubricants used, ensuring optimal performance without compromising machinery security.

During this process, it's essential to verify that selected lubricants meet machine requirements while considering technological advancements and operating environments. Engaging lubricant experts is crucial to avoid over-consolidation pitfalls that could lead to hazardous conditions or regulatory breaches.

S5M – Lubricant Selection Training

Educating personnel responsible for lubricant selection is fundamental to equip them with the requisite skills and knowledge. Training programs should focus on understanding lubricant performance requirements, base oil characteristics, regulatory compliance, and OEM specifications.

Establishing minimum performance standards and generic lubricant protocols enhances consistency and reliability across operations. Continuous education ensures alignment with industry advancements and fosters a culture of improvement.

S6K – Lubricant Selection KPIs

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are vital metrics that focus on evaluating supplier compliance, ensuring timely delivery of lubricants, effective implementation of Lubricant Identification Systems (LIS), and the proficiency of technician training programs. Consistent measurement and thorough analysis of these indicators serve as catalysts for ongoing enhancement, guaranteeing alignment with rigorous performance standards and fostering operational excellence.

Effective lubricant selection is not merely about choosing the right product; it's a holistic process encompassing supplier assessment, identification systems, consolidation, training, and performance evaluation. Leveraging Noria’s ASCEND Chart enables organizations to visualize their lubrication program's effectiveness and identify areas for enhancement. Visit for detailed utilization guidelines and access a free guide to lubrication excellence.


Next up: Lubricant Reception and Storage, May 15, 8:00 a.m.

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Since our inception in 1997, we've been on a mission to revolutionize machine reliability. Our focus? Harnessing the power of top-tier lubrication and oil analysis practices. For more than two decades...