John Ross

John Ross, President of Maintenance Innovators has been a practitioner of maintenance and reliability for over three decades. A former Captain in the United States Air Force, he has been recognized as a distinguished public speaker, technical writer, and presenter. He is a certified Lean Manufacturing facilitator, Process Safety Management SME, and a CMRP.



About Maintenance Innovators

Maintenance Innovators, Inc. was founded in 2007, initially as an ‘idea’ which quickly grew into a passion. The emphasis behind the company is that maintenance and reliability are core value drivers to any business.  But nobody knows that or seems to care.  The world is well into the second decade of the 21st century and it’s time to alter our view of this critical aspect of our organizational existence.  We need to recognize maintenance and reliability as a true profession.  And, those in maintenance and reliability need to start acting like it.

In order for Maintenance Innovators, Inc. to add value, in order for any of our associates to be of aide and assistance, we first realized that we needed to become students of the craft.  A truly high level of executable maintenance and reliability is part science and part social application.  There are a lot of moving parts.  Inside of all the activities lies the truth that there are fundamentals that can be taught, mentored and learned.  World-class is the execution of the fundamentals, consistently, at the highest level.  We have honed and mastered the foundational elements of high-performing maintenance and reliability. Most notably:

  • Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
  • Planning and Scheduling
  • Storeroom Control

Through the years, since the founding days, the principal and associates of Maintenance Innovators, Inc. have gone from practitioners of maintenance and reliability practices to greatly sought, and highly regarded leaders in the industry of maintenance and reliability consulting and training.

Our opportunities have taken us around the world and throughout almost all industries.  We continue to lead companies in the right direction by working to customize their approach and execution of the fundamentals of good maintenance and reliability.

Our associates have published multiple articles in trade magazines, white papers and blogs.  John Ross is the authored of two strategy development workbooks.  John is a highly sought guest and keynote speaker on all aspects of maintenance and reliability.

Our passion remains strong, and the initial ‘idea’ from which our company has grown continues to point us in the direction that returns growth and understanding for our clients and our team.

Articles by John Ross